I\'m just learning Python, and I can\'t seem to figure out regular expressions.
r1 = re.compile(\"$.pdf\")
if r1.match(\"spam.pdf\"):
print \'yes\'
I see 2 quick alternatives:
re.match(pattern='.*pdf$', string='filename.pdf')
Using this solution we must specify that we don't care about how the string begins. But we cannot omit the expression at the beginning.
When using re.match()
you must be sure to provide a regex valid for the whole string i.e. since index 0 see https://docs.python.org/3/howto/regex.html#match-versus-search
re.search(pattern='\.pdf$', string='filename.pdf')
We don't care about how the string begins, we're just searching a string which ends with the extension
Answered have been already accepted but I've personnaly needed to check the official documentation to be clear with that.