I am new to CI & Jenkins. I have a Java project which runs Testng based automated tests. The tests run regularly as a job in Jenkins. Sometimes, the job fails repeatedly for
You can take the number of times a test failed from the build's object in a pipeline: you can make a small report and attach it to your build like so:
def getRepeatedlyFailingTests(int timesFailedAtLeast = 2) {
// Keep only tests that failed at least twice
.findAll { it.age >= timesFailedAtLeast }
.collect { [ "${it.className}.${it.name}".trim(), it.age ] }
def saveRepeatedlyFailingTestsReport() {
def header = [ "test", "times-failed" ]
def records = getRepeatedlyFailingTests()
def report = "repeatedly-failing-tests.csv"
writeCSV file: report, records: [ header ] + records, format: CSVFormat.EXCEL
archiveArtifacts report
Call saveRepeatedlyFailingTestsReport
after you gather your test results and you'll see the report in your latest build artifacts link.