How to check the validation of edittext for pan card like \"ABCDE1234F\". I am confused how to check the the validation for this. Please help me guys. I will appreciate any kind
Note that none of other answers available so far doesn't verify PAN check digit.
Here is Luhn algorythm from
public static boolean luhnTest(String number) {
int s1 = 0, s2 = 0;
String reverse = new StringBuffer(number).reverse().toString();
for (int i = 0 ; i < reverse.length(); i++){
int digit = Character.digit(reverse.charAt(i), 10);
if (i % 2 == 0) { //this is for odd digits, they are 1-indexed in the algorithm
s1 += digit;
} else { //add 2 * digit for 0-4, add 2 * digit - 9 for 5-9
s2 += 2 * digit;
if (digit >= 5) {
s2 -= 9;
return (s1 + s2) % 10 == 0;