I\'m trying build a method in which I can access a Github user name, and publish either all commits or at least a number of commits from that user.
Is there a call to GE
You can use the commit search API and filter by the author.
You can search by author or committer using author:USERNAME
Here is an example CURL request:
curl -u : \
-X GET \
'https://api.github.com/search/commits?q=author:&sort=author-date&order=desc&page=1' \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.github.cloak-preview'
See this article on how to create a personal access token.
Remember: the search API only allows 30 results/minute for authenticated API calls and 10 for unauthenticated calls, and a maximum of 1000 results overall.
Furthermore, use pagination in order to check for all the results, otherwise, they will be maximum 30 per page.