How can I use the Array.Find method in powershell?
For example:
$a = 1,2,3,4,5
[Array]::Find($a, { args[0] -eq 3 })
Trevor Sullivan's answer is the right one, not only for Find() static method, but for FindIndex() as well.
When you've got several NIC cards with both ipv4 & ipv6 active on your servers and want to check the ipv4 IP/netmask pairs, something like this is good :
$NetworkAdapters = Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter 'IPEnabled = True' | Select-Object -Property Description, IPAddress, IPSubnet, DefaultIPGateway, DNSServerSearchOrder, DNSDomain
$NetworkAdapters | % {
"Adapter {0} :" -f $_.Description
# array'ing to avoid failure against single homed netcards
$idx = [System.Array]::FindIndex(@($_.IPAddress), [Predicate[string]]{ $args[0] -match "\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+" })
" IP {0} has netmask {1}" -f @($_.IPAddress[$idx]), @($_.IPSubnet)[$idx]
My point is it works like a charm on 2012 WinPE, and fails on a production Win7 wks. Anyone got an idea ?