Jenkins is being used to build an artifact from a Git repo that has a Git submodule. The submodule(s) are not in the same repo or even at the same endpoint a
Yes this is easily done. You can create pub/private key pair and set it up as a github deploy key (if you are using git hub if not, then as a key set in whatever you do use). You can add that as a Jenkins credential (provided you have the credentials plugin installed).
Private Key: the private key for that key set
Passphrase: whatever passphrase you used
ID: aws-jenkins-github-deploykey (just an example name)
Description: some useful text
The ID maps to the credentialsId below
checkout changelog: true, poll: false, scm: [$class: 'GitSCM',
branches: [[name: "branch name, commit sha, or tag/tagname" ]],
userRemoteConfigs: [[
credentialsId: 'aws-jenkins-github-deploykey',
url: '']]]
When this Pipeline code runs, it checks out the repo at the branch, commit, etc to the working directory. You can also specify the directory.
So you can use this to checkout a bunch of repos and use specific branches for them.