Can someone explain the difference between \"<%= render %>
\" and \"<%= yield %>
with <% content_for :partial do %>
Ruby code (Proc class) and takes your block and does what it is supposed to do with it. Yield is also fast compared with other Ruby based ways of doing the same thing.
I'd assume (and I only) use it in the layouts because it's quick and I mindlessly do what's normal in Rails. yield
is also used to pass content to a specific spot in your layout. I often have <%= yield :head %>
in the head, just above the head tag, so that I can pass random weirdness that sometimes comes up.
Rails code that you pass arguments to that, as the docs say, "Renders the content that will be returned to the browser as the response body". partials, actions, text, files...etc.
Used in both views and the controller.