I\'m trying to write a function where I\'d like to indicate that it returns some kind of plain JavaScript object. The object\'s signature is unknown, and not interestin
Tested in TypeScript 3.7.2:
For a flat plain object, you can do:
type Primitive =
| bigint
| boolean
| null
| number
| string
| symbol
| undefined;
type PlainObject = Record;
class MyClass {
const obj1: PlainObject = { a: 1 }; // Works
const obj2: PlainObject = new MyClass(); // Error
For a nested plain object:
type Primitive =
| bigint
| boolean
| null
| number
| string
| symbol
| undefined;
type JSONValue = Primitive | JSONObject | JSONArray;
interface JSONObject {
[key: string]: JSONValue;
interface JSONArray extends Array { }
const obj3: JSONObject = { a: 1 }; // Works
const obj4: JSONObject = new MyClass(); // Error
const obj5: JSONObject = { a: { b: 1 } }; // Works
const obj6: JSONObject = { a: { b: { c: 1 } } }; // Works
const obj7: JSONObject = { a: { b: { c: { d: 1 } } } }; // Works
Code is an adaptation from https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/3496#issuecomment-128553540