I have huge sets of numeric data.
this needs to be rendered as comma separated value.
For Ex.
to be rendered as 123,457
using Ag-Grid.
As per the cell rendering flow documentation (here), you can use the colDef.valueFormatter, like this:
var columnDefs = [
{headerName: "Number", field: "number"},
{headerName: "Formatted", field: "number", valueFormatter: currencyFormatter}
function currencyFormatter(params) {
return '£' + formatNumber(params.value);
function formatNumber(number) {
// this puts commas into the number eg 1000 goes to 1,000,
// i pulled this from stack overflow, i have no idea how it works
return Math.floor(number).toString().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, "$1,");
You could also use a cellRenderer as other posts describe, but that's typically for more complex rendering, whereas the valueFormatter is specifically for this case. From the ag-grid documentation:
valueFormatter's are for text formatting. cellRenderer's are for when you want to include HTML markup and potentially functionality to the cell. So for example, if you want to put punctuation into a value, use a valueFormatter, if you want to put buttons or HTML links use a cellRenderer. It is possible to use a combination of both, in which case the result of the valueFormatter will be passed to the cellRenderer.