I have a ConstraintLayout with two views A and B that are stacked vertically. I have a third view C which needs to be to the end of both A and B horizontally. At any given point
I tried this out in my IDE and i came up with some code to do it dynamically at runtime
TextView viewa = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.view_a);
TextView viewb = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.view_b);
ConstraintLayout cl = (ConstraintLayout) findViewById(R.id.constraintLayout);
ConstraintSet cs = new ConstraintSet();
cs.connect(viewb.getWidth() > viewa.getWidth() ? R.id.view_b : R.id.view_a, ConstraintSet.RIGHT, R.id.view_c, ConstraintSet.LEFT);
This ends up messing it in a slight way as it pushes the view which is wider out of the screen on the left. Maybe you could figure that out as i am unable to at this point.