I know how to start a Konsole with one executable running in it, and leave the Konsole open after the program ends. I can do this using a .desktop
file and change s
qdbus solution above didn't work for me because blockable call /usr/bin/konsole, so I upgrade it a little. I'm using ZSH so change shebang on yours.
#! /bin/zsh
# Multi command start in various konsole tabs
# List of commands to run, with parameters, in quotes, space-separated; do not use quotes inside (see bash arrays)
COMMANDS=("vi" "nano")
# Geting length of the COMMANDS array
# Simple /usr/bin/konsole block this script, no work for me. So use qdbus to run konsole
qdbus org.kde.klauncher5 /KLauncher exec_blind "/usr/bin/konsole" "/home/$USER"
# Wait until konsole was run up completely. 1s for me
sleep 1s
# get the last added konsole and save it in $KDS variable
qdbus | grep konsole | tail -1 | { read KDS }
# loop the array with commands .
for (( i=1; i<=$len_arr; i++ ))
if [ $i -gt 1 ]
# for all commands beside first getting the number of the new konsole tab
session=$(qdbus $KDS /Windows/1 newSession)
# get the number of the current console tab
session=$(qdbus $KDS /Windows/1 currentSession)
# run current command in tab
qdbus $KDS /Sessions/${session} runCommand "${COMMANDS[$i]}"
# Silence if you need. I'm not using it.
# Optional: will ping when there's no more output in the window
# qdbus $KDS /Sessions/${session} setMonitorSilence true