Using “IN” in a WHERE clause where the number of items in the set is very large

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梦毁少年i 2021-02-13 05:30

I have a situation where I need to do an update on a very large set of rows that I can only identify by their ID (since the target records are selected by the user and have noth

  •  无人及你
    2021-02-13 06:23

    Without knowing what a "very large" number of ID's might be, I'd venture a guess. ;-)

    Since you are using Access as a database, the number of ID's can't be that high. Assuming we're talking about less than, say 10,000 numbers and we should know the limitations of the containers to hold the ID's (what language is used for the front end?), I'd stick to one UPDATE statement; if that is most readable and easiest to perform maintenance on later. Otherwise I'd split them into multiple statements using some clever logic. Something like split the statement into multiple statements with in one, ten, hundred, thousand... ID's per statement.

    Then, I'd leave it to the DB optimiser to execute the statement(s) as efficient as possible. I would probably do an 'explain' on the query / queries to make sure nothing silly is going on though.

    But in my experience, it is quite often OK to leave this kind of optimisation to the database manager itself. The one thing that takes the most time is usually the actual connection to the database, so if you can execute all queries within the same connection it is normally no problems. Make sure you send off all UPDATE statements before you start to look into and wait for any result sets coming back though. :-)
