I have a Mongodb schema that looks roughly like:
\"name\" : \"name1\",
\"instances\" : [
\"value\" : 1,
\"date\" : ISODate
Unfortunately, with the aggregation framework it's not possible as this would require an option with $unwind to emit an array index/position, of which currently aggregation can't handle. There is an open JIRA ticket for this here SERVER-4588.
However, a workaround would be to use MapReduce but this comes at a huge performance cost since the actual calculations of getting the array index are performed using the embedded JavaScript engine (which is slow), and there still is a single global JavaScript lock, which only allows a single JavaScript thread to run at a single time.
With mapReduce, you could try something like this:
Mapping function:
var map = function(){
for(var i=0; i < this.instances.length; i++){
{ "_id": this._id, "index": i },
{ "index": i, "value": this.instances[i] }
Reduce function:
var reduce = function(){}
You can then run the following mapReduce function on your collection:
db.collection.mapReduce( map, reduce, { out : "resultCollection" } );
And then you can query the result collection to geta list/array of every Nth item of the instance array by using the map() cursor method :
var thirdInstances = db.resultCollection.find({"_id.index": N})
.map(function(doc){return doc.value.value})