Is there a printf-like function in Sql Server? I want the same features as the RAISERROR function, but instead of throwing an error, or printing a message, I want to wri
Here's a simple printf procedure using sql_variant data types. Unfortunately, it only works for SQL Server 2008 and above.
@string nvarchar(max),
@p1 sql_variant = null,
@p2 sql_variant = null,
@p3 sql_variant = null
declare @str nvarchar(200), @pos int, @type char(1)
select @str = @string, @pos = 0
--- @p1
set @pos = CHARINDEX('%', @str, @pos)
if @pos > 0 and substring(@str, @pos, 2) = '%%'
set @str = stuff(@str, @pos, 2, coalesce(cast(@p1 as nvarchar(100)),''))
--- @p2
set @pos = CHARINDEX('%', @str, @pos)
if @pos > 0 and substring(@str, @pos, 2) = '%%'
set @str = stuff(@str, @pos, 2, coalesce(cast(@p2 as nvarchar(100)),''))
--- @p3
set @pos = CHARINDEX('%', @str, @pos)
if @pos > 0 and substring(@str, @pos, 2) = '%%'
set @str = stuff(@str, @pos, 2, coalesce(cast(@p3 as nvarchar(100)),''))
print @str
And here are sample invocations:
exec dbo.printf 'Hello %%', 'World'
exec dbo.printf 'Hello %%. Today is %% of the month', 'World', 28
declare @dd datetime; set @dd = getDate()
exec dbo.printf 'Hello %%. Today''s date is %%', 'World', @dd