I have this scenario where user has its role
both Custodian and Finance is a Super
Enum.HasFlag is what you want to use
Console.WriteLine("Custodian is in All: {0}", Role.All.HasFlag(Role.Custodian));
Just noticed that your enum should be defined like this with the Flags attribute and values spaced out by powers of 2
public enum Role
NormalUser = 1,
Custodian = 2,
Finance = 4,
SuperUser = Custodian | Finance,
All = Custodian | Finance | NormalUser
The reason powers of 2 are used for flagged enums is that each power of 2 represents a unique bit being set in the binary representation:
NormalUser = 1 = 00000001
Custodian = 2 = 00000010
Finance = 4 = 00000100
Other = 8 = 00001000
Because each item in the enum has a unique bit set this allows them to be combined by setting their respective bits.
SuperUser = 6 = 00000110 = Custodian + Finance
All = 7 = 00000111 = NormalUser + Custodian + Finance
NormOther = 9 = 00001001 = NormalUser + Other
Notice how each 1 in the binary form lines up with the bit set for the flag in the section above.