I am attempting to use the Browser control in a very simple WPF application, and it appears that while the browser is loading the page that I requested (I can mouseover images a
This is an old question but I wanted to post what I have done to get it working.
When you want to create a window with no border that is resizeable and is able to host a WebBrowser control or a Frame control pointed to a URL you simply couldn't, the contents of said control would show empty as the OP said.
I found a workaround though; in the Window, if you set the WindowStyle to None, ResizeMode to NoResize (bear with me, you will still be able to resize once done) then make sure you have UNCHECKED AllowsTransparency you will have a static sized window with no border and will show the browser control.
Now, you probably still want to be able to resize right? Well we can to that with a interop call:
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
private static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, uint Msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);
public static extern bool ReleaseCapture();
//Attach this to the MouseDown event of your drag control to move the window in place of the title bar
private void WindowDrag(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) // MouseDown
SendMessage(new WindowInteropHelper(this).Handle,
0xA1, (IntPtr)0x2, (IntPtr)0);
//Attach this to the PreviewMousLeftButtonDown event of the grip control in the lower right corner of the form to resize the window
private void WindowResize(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) //PreviewMousLeftButtonDown
HwndSource hwndSource = PresentationSource.FromVisual((Visual)sender) as HwndSource;
SendMessage(hwndSource.Handle, 0x112, (IntPtr)61448, IntPtr.Zero);
And voila, A WPF window with no border and still movable and resizable without losing compatibility with with controls like WebBrowser