Please find the fiddle
WANTS: {{val | number:2}} in \"input\"
You can write a directive to control this functionality. It is not something that ships with angular, but directives can control how things look and work on the page.
I wrote a simple one:
This is the linking function that does the trick:
var newVal=$(this).val()+(e.charCode!==0?String.fromCharCode(e.charCode):'');
if($(this).val().search(/(.*)\.[0-9][0-9]/)===0 && newVal.length>$(this).val().length){
This works at limiting the input to 2 decimal places, but doesn't format the input to two decimal places. Anyways, it is a starting point. I am sure you can look up other examples and write your own directive to handle this the way you want. The thing about Angular is that it is not a framework with an answer to every question, but a framework that allows you to create additional functionality than what HTML5 provides alone and makes it very simple.