I\'ve added a UISearchController to my application and set it\'s searchBar to the titleView
of my navigationItem
This works but I am seeing t
We wanted the search bar to have no Cancel button initially, but have it appear when the user tapped in the search bar. Then we wanted the Cancel button to disappear if user tapped Cancel, or otherwise the search bar lost first responder.
What finally worked for me:
On create:
searchBar.showsCancelButton = NO;
We use a subclass of UISearchBar and override searchBarShouldBeginEditing thusly:
-(BOOL)searchBarShouldBeginEditing:(UISearchBar*)searchBar {
self.showsCancelButton = YES;
return YES;
We also override resignFirstReponder (in the UISearchBar subclass) thusly:
self.showsCancelButton = NO;
return [super resignFirstResponder];