I have the following situation inside of a soccer application.
We want to implement the shared elements between all these activities.
In my viewholder on th
I had this doubt myself, but I feel like the answer above is a little bit confusing. To put it simply if you have more than one shared elements to animate, you can create "Pair" of View & transitionName as much as you want. Here is a sample code for this:
Pair statusAnim = Pair.create(holder.getOrderStatusView(), "track_job_status");
Pair driverBundleAnim = Pair.create(holder.getDriverProfileBundle(), "driver_profile_bundle");
ActivityOptions transitionActivityOptions = ActivityOptions.makeSceneTransitionAnimation((Activity) context, statusAnim, driverBundleAnim);
context.startActivity(new Intent(context, TrackingActivity.class), transitionActivityOptions.toBundle());