I\'m trying to uninstall some packages installed by NuGet. According to the doc described here, I should see an Uninstall button (first screenshot below) when I
Finally, I found I had to manually edit the .sln solution file and remove these lines:
GlobalSection(ExtensibilityGlobals) = postSolution
EnterpriseLibraryConfigurationToolBinariesPath = packages\Unity.2.1.505.0\lib\NET35;packages\Unity.Interception.2.1.505.0\lib\NET35;packages\EnterpriseLibrary.Common.5.0.505.0\lib\NET35;packages\EnterpriseLibrary.Data.5.0.505.0\lib\NET35
After removing the above lines in the solution file, those packages disappeared in the NuGet Packages Window "Installed package" page. There is only one package left and I can now see the "Uninstall" button.
EDIT: I also had to delete the packages folder in my solution directory.