Basically, I receive raw timestamps and I need to format them into HH:MM:SS format.
Here's a function that provides flexible formatting of a date in UTC. It accepts a format string similar to that of Java's SimpleDateFormat:
function formatDate(date, fmt) {
function pad(value) {
return (value.toString().length < 2) ? '0' + value : value;
return fmt.replace(/%([a-zA-Z])/g, function (_, fmtCode) {
switch (fmtCode) {
case 'Y':
return date.getUTCFullYear();
case 'M':
return pad(date.getUTCMonth() + 1);
case 'd':
return pad(date.getUTCDate());
case 'H':
return pad(date.getUTCHours());
case 'm':
return pad(date.getUTCMinutes());
case 's':
return pad(date.getUTCSeconds());
throw new Error('Unsupported format code: ' + fmtCode);
You could use it like this:
formatDate(new Date(timestamp), '%H:%m:%s');