Consider the following example. The example is contrived but illustrates the point in a runnable example:
class MultiplicatorMixin:
def multiply(self, m: in
Try with:
from typing import Type, TYPE_CHECKING, TypeVar
T = TypeVar('T')
def with_typehint(baseclass: Type[T]) -> Type[T]:
Useful function to make mixins with baseclass typehint
class ReadonlyMixin(with_typehint(BaseAdmin))):
return baseclass
return object
Example tested in Pyright:
class ReadOnlyInlineMixin(with_typehint(BaseModelAdmin)):
def get_readonly_fields(self,
request: WSGIRequest,
obj: Optional[Model] = None) -> List[str]:
if self.readonly_fields is None:
readonly_fields = []
readonly_fields = self.readonly_fields # self get is typed by baseclass
return self._get_readonly_fields(request, obj) + list(readonly_fields)
def has_change_permission(self,
request: WSGIRequest,
obj: Optional[Model] = None) -> bool:
return (
request.method in ['GET', 'HEAD']
and super().has_change_permission(request, obj) # super is typed by baseclass
>>> ReadOnlyAdminMixin.__mro__
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