I have 2 tables that are using DataTable jQuery Plug-in. I wondering if there is a way to hide my pagination on the bottom right of my table.
did not work for me, probably because I am using TypeScript. So I used a different approach to get the JQuery element for the table wrapper and the DataTables API. This has been inspired by the answer of BitOfUniverse and tested with DataTables 1.10.
'drawCallback': (settings: any) => {
// hide pager and info if the table has NO results
const api = new $.fn.dataTable.Api(settings);
const pageCount = api.page.info().pages;
const wrapper = $('#' + settings.sTableId).closest('.dataTables_wrapper');
const pagination = wrapper.find('.dataTables_paginate');
const info = wrapper.find('.dataTables_info');
pagination.toggle(pageCount > 0);
info.toggle(pageCount > 0);