I am trying to run unit test of spark job in windows 7 64 bit. I have
winutils path= D:/winutils/bin/winutils.exe
I r
I'm facing the same problem after trying to run the WordCount example with spark-submit command. Right now, i'm ignoring it because it returns the results before the error happens.
I found some old issues in spark Jira but didn't found any fixes. (BTW, one of them is with the status closed.)
Unfortunately seems that they don't care about spark on windows at all.
One bad solution is to give the Temp folder (in yout case *C:\Users\415387\AppData\Local\Temp*) permission to everyone.
So it will be like that:
winutils chmod -R 777 C:\Users\415387\AppData\Local\Temp\
But I strongly recomend you to not do that.