In android I am using the following statement.
model = dataHelper.rawQuery(\"SELECT _id, engword, lower(engword) as letter FROM word WHERE letter >= \'a\' AND
If anyone is like me trying (and failing) to get this working with getContentResolver().query
here how I managed it:
*Updated thanks to comments from @CL and @Wolfram Rittmeyer, as they said this is the same as for rawQuery *
Correct way:
public static String SELECTION_LIKE_EMP_NAME = Columns.EMPLOYEE_NAME
+ " like ?";
Cursor c = context.getContentResolver().query(contentUri,
PROJECTION, SELECTION_LIKE_EMP_NAME, new String[] { "%" + query + "%" }, null);
Previous answer that was open to SQL injection attack:
public static String SELECTION_LIKE_EMP_NAME = Columns.EMPLOYEE_NAME
+ " like '%?%'";
String selection = SELECTION_LIKE_EMP_NAME.replace("?", query);
Cursor c = context.getContentResolver().query(contentUri,
PROJECTION, selection, null, null);