To better illustrate the question, consider the following simplified form of block recursion:
__block void (^next)(int) = ^(int index) {
if (index == 3) {
I think @newacct is correct about @Matt Wilding's solution; it does seem that nothing will have a strong ref to the next block in that case and will result in a run time exception when run (at least it did for me).
I don't know how common it is to find recursively called blocks in the wild in objc. However, in a real world implementation (if actually required) on say, a view controller, one might define the block and then set up an internal interface property with a strong reference to said block:
typedef void(^PushButtonBlock)();
@interface ViewController ()
@property (strong, nonatomic) PushButtonBlock pushButton;
@implementation ViewController
// (in viewDidLoad or some such)
__weak ViewController *weakSelf = self;
self.pushButton = ^() {
[weakSelf.button pushIt];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0), weakSelf.pushButton);
This runs fine for me and has no compiler warnings about retain cycles (and no leaks in instruments). But, I think I would probably steer clear of doing this (recursive block calls) in most cases in objc - it's smelly. But interesting in any case.