Since there is no way to prevent an iframe from redirecting the top frame besides sandboxing which prevents other features required for viewability tracking I would like to trac
We can access to the iframe content with somethig like iframe.contentWindow.document
but this is possible if we observe Same-origin policy.
Another approach could be setting a Content-Security-Policy header like:
This header in the parent page prevents to load sites different to in frames, There is also a way to report the refuse behavior sending a post but unfortunately can't be setting with tag (it's only server side). With this approach we have to perform a white list, so I think maybe it's not useful in this case. But, if the white list is given the first time, is possible to set all sites available, so when the iframe redirect, browser will refuse to load it.
If it's not the case of same-origin and the possibility of performing a white list, then I think the better we can do is calling iframe onunload event, unfortunately this event are going to be fired also when iframe page reloads not only on redirection. I think it's the closest approach. To achieve that, this code works.
var srcs = ["iframe2.html","iframe.html","iframe2.html"];
for (let i = 0; i < srcs.length; i++) {
var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.src = srcs[i]; = "i"+i;
window["i"+i].onunload = function(){console.log("change "+i)}
Of course onunload
is fired the first time, when all iframes load, so redirections are 2th 3th and so on. But we could exclude that first case.
Here a full example , I've created iframe3.html that doesn't refresh neither reload to show clearly the point. Also I've created a simple List of redirect or reload iframes.
As I understand now, what you want is to set iframes with sandbox property and whitelist all what you want but without allow-top-navigation
, something like:
but codesandbox prevents the frame to redirect so if we try that is the url created by codesandbox, we could see the top frame reload.As I said in comments, at least Chrome 64.0.3282.167, when we delegate all but allow-top-navigation when the iframe attempt to redirect top frame, it throw an exception. The behavior is different in Firefox (at least 58.0.2). Firefox deny top navigation but continues with the code.
So, as conclusion the best approach in my opinion is or a combination of sanbox and onunload or just onunload. Of course, if it could be possible, Content-Security-Policy is the safest and more flexible way. It depends of the implementation. It's almost impossible I think not to involve server side code to perform a perfect solution. There are white list to check, like this API and there are black list to check, look at this post .