Suppose I have a struct with many fields:
(struct my-struct (f1 f2 f3 f4))
If I am to return a new struct with f2
updated, I have
You know what? This is a really good idea. In fact, there have been a few cases in which I wanted this functionality, but I didn't have it. The bad news is that nothing of this sort is provided by Racket. The good news is that Racket has macros!
I present to you define-struct-updaters
(require (for-syntax racket/list
(define-syntax (define-struct-updaters stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ name:id)
; this gets compile-time information about the struct
(define struct-info (extract-struct-info (syntax-local-value #'name)))
; we can use it to get the constructor, predicate, and accessor functions
(define/with-syntax make-name (second struct-info))
(define/with-syntax name? (third struct-info))
(define accessors (reverse (fourth struct-info)))
(define/with-syntax (name-field ...) accessors)
; we need to generate setter and updater identifiers from the accessors
; we also need to figure out where to actually put the new value in the argument list
(define/with-syntax ([name-field-set name-field-update
(name-field-pre ...) (name-field-post ...)]
(for/list ([accessor (in-list accessors)]
[index (in-naturals)])
(define setter (format-id stx "~a-set" accessor #:source stx))
(define updater (format-id stx "~a-update" accessor #:source stx))
(define-values (pre current+post) (split-at accessors index))
(list setter updater pre (rest current+post))))
; now we just need to generate the actual function code
(define/contract (name-field-set instance value)
(-> name? any/c name?)
(make-name (name-field-pre instance) ...
(name-field-post instance) ...))
(define/contract (name-field-update instance updater)
(-> name? (-> any/c any/c) name?)
(make-name (name-field-pre instance) ...
(updater (name-field instance))
(name-field-post instance) ...))
If you're not familiar with macros, it can look a little intimidating, but it's actually not a complicated macro. Fortunately, you don't need to understand how it works to use it. Here's how you'd do that:
(struct point (x y) #:transparent)
(define-struct-updaters point)
Now you can use all the relevant functional setters and updaters as you'd please.
> (point-x-set (point 1 2) 5)
(point 5 2)
> (point-y-update (point 1 2) add1)
(point 1 3)
I believe there have been some theoretical plans to redesign the Racket struct system, and I think this would be a valuable addition. Until then, feel free to use this solution. I’ve made the code in this answer available as the struct-update package, which can be installed using raco pkg install struct-update