I have been looking everywhere to find a decent explanation for this, and they all come short...When do you use the @api_view decorator rather than a class based view wi
Personally, I use the APIView Base Class or @api_view decorator only when I need to do something very specific/custom. For example, to show a list of URLS of the endpoint, aggregate data from different models in a particular manner and so on.
Whenever I deal with usual list, create, update and delete operations I use the other classes (Retrieve, Create, Update and Destroy Views or Mixins).
Example of use of @api_view decorator to make a list of all the endpoints of my app:
from django.core.urlresolvers import NoReverseMatch
from rest_framework.decorators import api_view
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework.reverse import reverse
from .urls import urlpatterns
def root_endpoint(request, format=None):
List of all the available resources of this RESTful API.
endpoints = []
# loop over url modules
for urlmodule in urlpatterns:
# is it a urlconf module?
is_urlconf_module = True
except AttributeError:
is_urlconf_module = False
# if url is really a urlmodule
if is_urlconf_module:
# loop over urls of that module
for url in urlmodule.urlconf_module.urlpatterns:
# TODO: configurable skip url in settings
# skip api-docs url
if url.name in ['django.swagger.resources.view']:
# try adding url to list of urls to show
'name': url.name.replace('api_', ''),
'url': reverse(url.name, request=request, format=format)
# urls of object details will fail silently (eg: /nodes//)
except NoReverseMatch:
return Response(endpoints)
This code is on github.