Breaking it Down
To me, what's unique about programming is the need to break down tasks into small enough steps for the computer. This varies by language, but the fact that you may have to write a "for loop" just to count to 100 takes getting used to.
The "top-down" approach may help with this concept. You start by creating a master function for your program, like
You have no idea how that will work, so you break it down into further steps:
(Note: I don't know C++, so this is just a generic example)
filterItemsByCritera() {
Then you break each of those down further. Pretty soon you can define all the small steps it takes to make your criteria list, etc. When all of the little functions work, the big one will work.
It's kind of like the game kids play where they keep asking "why?" after everything you say, except you have to keep asking "how?"