I have set up my app so that I have a Recipe Book
which has a list of Recipies
which when I click on a Recipe it then shows the Recipe Details
TLDR; answer :
path: ':question',
runGuardsAndResolvers: GUARDS_RESOLVERS_DISABLED // blocks component creation
is a global function (to avoid issues with AOT).
export function GUARDS_RESOLVERS_DISABLED() { return false; }
There's a new feature in Angular router that sounds related to this problem, but isn't - as far as I can tell - a direct solution for it. The new option is runGuardsAndResolvers = 'pathParamsChange'
and it affects when Angular checks guards and resolvers - and crucially whether it runs this outlet check.
So before I found the new option:
(where component
is a getter that throws).So to fix I'd just need to make shouldRun == false
And shouldRun
is simply shouldRunGuardsAndResolvers(...)
so if that can be made to return false then it won't try to create a component in the 'wrong' place.
So the solution is quite simple:
path: 'contactus',
component: ContactUsComponent,
children: [
path: 'topics',
pathMatch: 'full'
path: 'faq',
component: FaqPanelComponent
path: 'test',
component: ContactusTopicListComponent
path: ':category',
path: ':question',
runGuardsAndResolvers: () => false // blocks component creation
Currently runGuardsAndResolvers
has quite a few options, but the one I'm using just always returns false
which is equivalent to never
which really ought to be made into an option. But that's how I found out about the new router features :-)
Also if you have two levels you need to put this at both (or possibly just the highest) level:
path: ':category',
runGuardsAndResolvers: () => false,
path: ':question',
runGuardsAndResolvers: () => false
Further reading on resolvers: https://blog.angularindepth.com/new-in-angular-v7-1-updates-to-the-router-fd67d526ad05
Edit: To make this work properly with AOT / Angular 9/10+ you can create a global function to avoid the issue mentioned by Sunil.
export function GUARDS_RESOLVERS_DISABLED() { return false; }
Then use this syntax