In programming languages like Scala or Lua, we can define nested functions such as
function factorial(n)
function _fac(n, acc)
if n == 0 then
Does this approach cause any inefficiency because the nested function instance is defined, or created, everytime we invoke the outer function?
Efficiency is a large and broad topic. I am assuming that by "inefficient" you mean "does calling the method recursively each time have an overhead"?
I can only speak on Scala's behalf, specifically the flavor targeting the JVM, as other flavors may act differently.
We can divide this question into two, depending on what you really meant.
Nested (local scope) methods in Scala are a lexical scope feature, meaning they give you the accessibility to outer method values, but once we emit the bytecode, they are defined at the class level, just as a plain java method.
For completeness, do know that Scala also has function values, which are first class citizens, meaning you can pass them around to other functions, then these would incur an allocation overhead, since they are implemented using classes.
Factorial can be written in a tail recursive manner, as you wrote it in your example. The Scala compiler is intelligent enough such that it will notice your method is tail recursive and turn it into an iterative loop, avoiding the method invocation for each iteration. It may also, if found possible, attempt to inline the factorial
method, avoiding the overhead of an additional stack frame allocation.
For example, consider the following factorial implementation in Scala:
def factorial(num: Int): Int = {
def fact(num: Int, acc: Int): Int = num match {
case 0 => acc
case n => fact(n - 1, acc * n)
fact(num, 1)
On the face of it, we have a recursive method. Let's see what the JVM bytecode looks like:
private final int fact$1(int, int);
0: iload_1
1: istore 4
3: iload 4
5: tableswitch { // 0 to 0
0: 24
default: 28
24: iload_2
25: goto 41
28: iload 4
30: iconst_1
31: isub
32: iload_2
33: iload 4
35: imul
36: istore_2
37: istore_1
38: goto 0
41: ireturn
What we see here is that the recursion turned into an iterative loop (a tableswitch + a jump instruction).
Regarding the method instance creation, if our method was not tail recursive, the JVM runtime would need to interpret it for each invocation, until the C2 compiler finds it sufficient such that it will JIT compile it and re-use the machine code for each method call afterwards.
Generally, I would say this shouldn't worry you unless you've noticed the method is on the execution of your hot path and profiling the code led you to ask this question.
To conclude, efficiency is a very delicate, use case specific topic. I think we don't have enough information to tell you, from the simplified example you've provided, if this is the best option to choose for your use case. I say again, if this isn't something that showed up on your profiler, don't worry about this.