I have a cabal package that exports a type NBT which might be useful for other developers. I\'ve gone through the trouble of defining an Arbitrary
instance for my t
On the basis of not much specific experience, but a general desire for robustness, the guiding principle for package dependencies should perhaps be
From each according to their ability; to each according to their need.
It's good to keep the dependencies of a package to the minimum needed for its essential functionality. That suggests option 3 or option 4 to me. Of course, it's a pain to chop the package up so much. If options are capable of expressing the conditionality involved, then option 4 sounds like a sensible approach, based on using language effectively to say what you mean.
It would be really good if a consensus emerged about which one switch we need to flick to get the testing kit as well as the basic functionality.
It's also clear that there's room for refinement here. It's amazing that Cabal works as well as it does, but it could allow for more sophisticated notions of "package", perhaps after the manner of the SML module system. Translating dependencies into function types, we basically get to write
simplePackage :: (Dependency1, .., Dependencyn) -> Deliverable
but one could imagine more elaborate combinations of products and functions, like
fancyPackage :: BasicDependency -> (BasicDeliverable, HelpfulExtras -> Gravy)
Until then, pick the option that most accurately reflects the actual deal. And tell us about it, so we can build that consensus.