I am displaying a bunch of thumbnail images and the latency can be very high (over a VPN) so I send all the thumbnails in a single file (like a sprite) and set the CSS backgroun
1) css property:
$('').attr('src', 'ThumbSpriteTest.png').load(function() {
$('.Thumbnails').css('background-image', 'url(ThumbSpriteTest.png)');
2) attr('src', 'ThumbSpriteTest.png') - may be a problem
The values of some attributes are reported inconsistently across browsers, and even across versions of a single browser. The .attr() method reduces such inconsistencies.
See http://api.jquery.com/attr/
3) Also:
OR try CSS way
html {
filter: expression(document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true));
last examples were found here: Jquery IE6 hover problems, keeps loading background image