I\'m looking for the fastest way of inserting into Entity Framework.
I\'m asking this because of the scenario where you have an active TransactionScope
context create problems if the entities you Add()
rely on other preloaded entities (e.g. navigation properties) in the context
I use similar concept to keep my context small to achieve the same performance
But instead of Dispose()
the context and recreate, I simply detach the entities that already SaveChanges()
public void AddAndSave(List entities) where TEntity : class {
const int CommitCount = 1000; //set your own best performance number here
int currentCount = 0;
while (currentCount < entities.Count())
//make sure it don't commit more than the entities you have
int commitCount = CommitCount;
if ((entities.Count - currentCount) < commitCount)
commitCount = entities.Count - currentCount;
//e.g. Add entities [ i = 0 to 999, 1000 to 1999, ... , n to n+999... ] to conext
for (int i = currentCount; i < (currentCount + commitCount); i++)
_context.Entry(entities[i]).State = System.Data.EntityState.Added;
//same as calling _context.Set().Add(entities[i]);
//commit entities[n to n+999] to database
//detach all entities in the context that committed to database
//so it won't overload the context
for (int i = currentCount; i < (currentCount + commitCount); i++)
_context.Entry(entities[i]).State = System.Data.EntityState.Detached;
currentCount += commitCount;
} }
wrap it with try catch and TrasactionScope()
if you need,
not showing them here for keeping the code clean