I searched around and as far as I can tell, POST form requests are already limited to 10MB (http://golang.org/src/net/http/request.go#L721).
If I were to go about reduc
Edit: As others cited MaxByteReader is the supported way. It is interesting that the default reader is instead, limitreader after type asserting for max byte reader.
Submit a patch to the Go source code and make it configurable! You are working with an open source project after all. Adding a setter to http.Request and some unit tests for it is probably only 20 minutes worth of work. Having a hardcoded value here is a bit clunky, give back and fix it :).
You can of course implement your own ParseForm(r *http.Request)
method if you really need to override this. Go is essentially BSD, so you can copy paste the library ParseForm and change the limit, but thats a bit ugly no?