I\'m a bit confused on how constructors work in PHP.
I have a class with a constructor which gets called when I instantiate a new object.
$foo = new Foo(
Assumption PHP 5.x
Different goals, different path
create a new instance of a class (object)
class myClassA
public $lv;
public function __construct($par)
echo "Inside the constructor\n";
$this->lv = $par;
$a = new myClassA(11);
$b = new myClassA(63);
because we create a new object PHP calls:
of the new object, so:
$a->lv == 11
$b->lv == 63
use a function of a class
class myClassB
public static $sv;
public static function psf($par)
self::$sv = $par;
$rf = &myClassB::$sv;
now $rf == "Hi."
function or variabiles must defined static to be accessed by ::
, no object is created calling "psf", the "class variable" sv has only 1 instance inside the class.
use a singleton created by a Factory (myClassA is above)
class myClassC
private static $singleton;
public static function getInstance($par){
self::$singleton = new myClassA($par);
return self::$singleton;
$g = myClassC::getInstance("gino");
echo "got G\n";
$p = myClassC::getInstance("pino");
echo "got P\n";
Using the factory (getInstance) the first time we construct a new object having $par set to gino.
Using the factory the second time $singleton has already a value that we return. No new object is created (no __construct is called, less memory & cpu is used).
The value of course is an object instanceOf myClassA and don't forget:
myClassC::$singleton->lv == "gino"
Pay attention to singletons:
What is so bad about singletons?
By my answer I don't want promote/demote singleton. Simply from the words in the question, I made this calc: