I am using mat-auto complete component from material.angular.io. The default behavior is user can input any value as well as it gives options to choose from. Also you can add yo
Found this solution on github it may provide a simple alternative to those who end up here.
Create a custom validator:
private requireMatch(control: FormControl): ValidationErrors | null {
const selection: any = control.value;
if (this.options && this.options.indexOf(selection) < 0) {
return { requireMatch: true };
return null;
Attach it to your control (we need to bind it to this so that our validator can access our options in our component's scope)
myControl = new FormControl(undefined, [Validators.required, this.requireMatch.bind(this)]);
Optionally show error:
Value need match available options
Example here -----------> https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-hph5yz