I just cracked open The Little Schemer, and I feel like I\'m missing something.
The first question asks \"Is it true that this is an atom?\", but I do not see any defi
The Little Schemer teaches you Scheme through a sort of assimilation. Instead of giving you the definition of an atom it shows examples with a question and through it's answer it tells you why something is true or false and in the same time increase your knowledge about whats asked.
The way you learn Scheme though that book is the same way you learn concepts, material or not, as a toddler. It's proven to be a good way to learn natural languages so why not computer languages?
In the beginning of the book it says you need to be able to read English, recognize numbers and be able to count to make use of the book. In comparison, to read and understand a Scheme report (Scheme language definition) you need some knowledge of programming languages, mathematical concepts and how to read formal grammar.