For example I want a white border of 10pixel around all 4 side of the bitmap. I am not using it for imageview I am currently using this code to crop image. May I know how I coul
I wrote a function for this:
private Bitmap addWhiteBorder(Bitmap bmp, int borderSize) {
Bitmap bmpWithBorder = Bitmap.createBitmap(bmp.getWidth() + borderSize * 2, bmp.getHeight() + borderSize * 2, bmp.getConfig());
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bmpWithBorder);
canvas.drawBitmap(bmp, borderSize, borderSize, null);
return bmpWithBorder;
Basically it creates a new Bitmap adding 2 * bordersize to each dimension and then paints the original Bitmap over it, offsetting it with bordersize.