For storing code-like data, LES (Loyc Expression Syntax) is a budding alternative. I've noticed a lot of people use XML for code-like constructs, such as build systems which support conditionals, command invocations, sometimes even loops. These sorts of things look natural in LES:
// LES code has no built-in meaning. This just shows what it looks like.
[DelayedWrite] // an "attribute"
if version > 4.0 {
} else {
It doesn't have great tool support yet, though; currently the only LES library is for C#. Currently only one app is known to use LES: LLLPG.
In theory you could use LES for data or markup, but there are no standards for how to do that:
body {
'''Click here to use the World's '''
a href="" {
strong "most popular"; " search engine!"
point = (2, -3);
tasteMap = { "lemon" -> sour; "sugar" -> sweet; "grape" -> yummy };