I sometimes use the ftable
function purely for its presentation of hierarchical categories. However, sometimes, when the table is large, I would like to further sub
Here's what I was able to sort of hack together, with some help from Axeman:
replace_empty_arguments <- function(a) {
empty_symbols <- vapply(a, function(x) {
is.symbol(x) && identical("", as.character(x)), 0)
a[!!empty_symbols] <- 0
lapply(a, eval)
`[.ftable` <- function (inftable, ...) {
if (!class(inftable) %in% "ftable") stop("input is not an ftable")
tblatr <- attributes(inftable)[c("row.vars", "col.vars")]
valslist <- replace_empty_arguments(as.list(match.call()[-(1:2)]))
x <- sapply(valslist, function(x) identical(x, 0))
TAB <- as.table(inftable)
valslist[x] <- dimnames(TAB)[x]
temp <- as.matrix(expand.grid(valslist))
out <- ftable(
`dimnames<-`(`dim<-`(TAB[temp], lengths(valslist)), valslist),
row.vars = seq_along(tblatr[["row.vars"]]),
col.vars = seq_along(tblatr[["col.vars"]]) + length(tblatr[["row.vars"]]))
names(attributes(out)[["row.vars"]]) <- names(tblatr[["row.vars"]])
names(attributes(out)[["col.vars"]]) <- names(tblatr[["col.vars"]])
Try it out with the examples from the question:
mytable[c("1st", "3rd"), , "Child", ]
## Survived No Yes
## Class Sex Age
## 1st Male Child 0 5
## Female Child 0 1
## 3rd Male Child 35 13
## Female Child 17 14
mytable[c("1st", "3rd"), , , "No"]
## Survived No
## Class Sex Age
## 1st Male Child 0
## Adult 118
## Female Child 0
## Adult 4
## 3rd Male Child 35
## Adult 387
## Female Child 17
## Adult 89
tab2[c("1st", "3rd"), , , ]
## Age Child Adult
## Survived No Yes No Yes
## Class Sex
## 1st Male 0 5 118 57
## Female 0 1 4 140
## 3rd Male 35 13 387 75
## Female 17 14 89 76