Does \"group by\" clause automatically guarantee that the results will be ordered by that key? In other words, is it enough to write:
select *
from table
I tried it. Adventureworks db of Msdn.
select HireDate, min(JobTitle)
from AdventureWorks2016CTP3.HumanResources.Employee
group by HireDate
Resuts :
2009-01-10Production Technician - WC40
2009-01-11Application Specialist
2009-01-12Assistant to the Chief Financial Officer
2009-01-13Production Technician - WC50<
It returns sorted data of hiredate, but you don't rely on GROUP BY to SORT under any circumstances.
for example; indexes can change this sorted data.
I added following index (hiredate, jobtitle)
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX NonClusturedIndex_Jobtitle_hireddate ON [HumanResources].[Employee]
[JobTitle] ASC,
[HireDate] ASC
Result will change with same select query;
2006-06-30 Production Technician - WC60
2007-01-26 Marketing Assistant
2007-11-11 Engineering Manager
2007-12-05 Senior Tool Designer
2007-12-11 Tool Designer
2007-12-20 Marketing Manager
2007-12-26 Production Supervisor - WC60
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