It's a Template Engine system, and its syntax is based on jinja. Another code example:
{% extends "layout.html" %}
{% block body %}
{% endblock %}
from wikipedia:
Benefits of using template engines include:
- Encouraging organization of source code into operationally-distinct layers (see e.g., MVC)
- Enhancing productivity by reducing unnecessary reproduction of effort
- Enhancing teamwork by allowing separation of work based on skill-set (e.g., artistic vs. technical)
Typical features
Template engines typically include features common to most high-level programming languages, with an emphasis on features for processing plain text.
Such features include:
- variables and functions
- text replacement
- file inclusion (or transclusion)
- conditional evaluation and loops
(end from wikipedia)
There are a several template engines for PHP.
One of them is Twig.
For example instead of writing such this:
You can do this with Twig:
{{ var }}
{{ var|escape }}
And another example:
In template engine: