.NET Framework 3.5.
I\'m trying to calculate the average of some pretty large numbers.
For instance:
using System;
using System.Linq;
class Program
I guess there has to be a compromise somewhere or the other. If the numbers are really getting so large then few digits of lower orders (say lower 5 digits) might not affect the result as much.
Another issue is where you don't really know the size of the dataset coming in, especially in stream/real time cases. Here I don't see any solution other then the (previousAverage*oldCount + newValue) / (oldCount <- oldCount+1)
Here's a suggestion:
*LargestDataTypePossible* currentAverage;
*SomeSuitableDatatypeSupportingRationalValues* newValue;
*int* count;
newValue = value/100000;
count = count + 1;
currentAverage = (currentAverage * (count-1) + newValue) / count;
return currentAverage * 100000;