I am wondering if there is a way to install and run an android application on multiple devices/emulator with a single click under Eclipse.
When I am testing a layout on
You should be able to add an Ant XML file to your Eclipse project, and fill it with Ant tasks that can run an external program from command line. Probably you should have a separate task item for each device you want to run on, and then a parent task containing all of them.
Then add a single custom builder step to Eclipse project, choosing Ant as builder and pointing to the XML file you added previously (see here)
I'm not a big expert on Ant, but at some point I needed to add a custom task to build a Jar out of my project code from within Eclipse, so that I could run it everytime I needed it (like here). This procedure worked quite well.
The Ant task that should do for you is Exec: http://ant.apache.org/manual/Tasks/exec.html. You might want to have a look at http://ant.apache.org/manual/using.html for a simple starter.
Your XML could be something like the following (I haven't tried it though):
In order to not manually write the package location for each project, there seems to be not such a great integration between Eclipse and Ant. You might try the following suggestions:
property as in here-Dworkspace_loc=${workspace_loc}
file from within Ant, using a specific XML parsing facility as in here