I recently came across a StackOverflow answer that gave excellent instructions on how to get the value of a checked radio button using jQuery:
var radioVal = $(\
This should work. You could do it all in one line but I broke it up to make it easier to read:
var radioButtons = $("#myFormID input:radio[name='radioFieldName']");
var selectedIndex = radioButtons.index(radioButtons.find(':checked'));
EDIT: Verify that your selector is correct. Break it down step by step:
var radioButtons = $("#myFormID input:radio[name='radioFieldName']");
// this should contain the count of all your radio buttons
var totalFound = radioButtons.length;
// this should contain the checked one
var checkedRadioButton = radioButtons.find(':checked');
// this should get the index of the found radio button based on the list of all
var selectedIndex = radioButtons.index(checkedRadioButton);
Which step is not producing the expected value in these?
EDIT: To show final solution
var radioButtons = $("#myFormID input:radio[name='radioFieldName']");
var selectedIndex = radioButtons.index(radioButtons.filter(':checked'));