Is there any way I can override the value of dateCreated
field in my domain class without turning off auto timestamping?
I need to test controller and I ha
As of Grails 3 and GORM 6 you can tap into AutoTimestampEventListener
to execute a Runnable
that temporarily ignores all or select timestamps.
The following is a small snippet I use in my integration tests where this is necessary:
void executeWithoutTimestamps(Class domainClass, Closure closure){
ApplicationContext applicationContext = Holders.findApplicationContext()
HibernateDatastore mainBean = applicationContext.getBean(HibernateDatastore)
AutoTimestampEventListener listener = mainBean.getAutoTimestampEventListener()
listener.withoutTimestamps(domainClass, closure)
Then in your case you could do the following:
executeWithoutTimestamps(BlogMessage, {
Date someValidDate = new Date() - (20*365)
BlogMessage message = new BlogMessage()
message.dateCreated = someValidDate true)