Exists in Delphi something like the Java or C# StringBuilder? Or Delphi does not need StringBuilder and s := s + \'some string\';
is good expression (mainly in for,
s := s + 'some string' could be terribly slow if you do it in a loop because of the memory allocation involved. I have dome some tests that show that preallocating memory could be 132 times (YES YOU READ IT RIGHT) faster!!!!
The code is like this:
marker:= 1;
CurBuffLen:= 0;
for i:= 1 to Length(FileBody) DO
if i > CurBuffLen then
SetLength(s, CurBuffLen+ BuffSize);
CurBuffLen:= Length(s)
s[marker]:= FileBody[i];
See my answer here for details: When and Why Should I Use TStringBuilder?
Note: my code is optimized for
s:= s+ c
where c is a char, but you can easily adapt it
for s:= s + 'some string'