After updating to android studio 2.3 I got this error message. I know it\'s just a hint as the app run normally but it\'s really strange.
All com.andr
After searching and combining answers, 2018 version of this question and it worked for me:
1) On navigation tab change it to project view
2) Navigate to [YourProjectName]/.idea/libraries/
3) Delete all files starting with Gradle__com_android_support_[libraryName]
E.g: Gradle__com_android_support_animated_vector_drawable_26_0_0.xml
4) In your gradle file define a variable and use it to replace version number like ${variableName}
Def variable:
ext {
support_library_version = '28.0.0' //use the version of choice
Use variable:
implementation "${support_library_version}"
example gradle:
dependencies {
ext {
support_library_version = '28.0.0' //use the version of choice
implementation fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')
implementation "${support_library_version}"
implementation "${support_library_version}"
implementation "${support_library_version}"
implementation "${support_library_version}"
implementation "${support_library_version}"
implementation "${support_library_version}"
implementation "${support_library_version}"
implementation "${support_library_version}"
implementation "${support_library_version}"
implementation "${support_library_version}"
implementation "${support_library_version}"
implementation "${support_library_version}"
implementation "${support_library_version}"